We gratefully acknowledge the generous support of the following publishers and copyright holders in allowing us to include the texts listed below in the Genealogies of Knowledge corpus:
- C.D. Broad, Scientific Thought: A Philosophical Analysis of some of its fundamental concepts;
- Scott Buchanan, The Doctrine of Signatures: A Defence of Theory in Medicine;
- Rudolf Carnap, The Unity of Science;
- Rupert Crawshay-Williams, Methods and Criteria of Reasoning: An Inquiry into the Structure of Controversy;
- Emile Durkheim, Professional Ethics and Civic Morals;
- Jacques Derrida, Specters of Marx: The state of the debt, the work of mourning and the new international;
- Michel Foucault,
- Madness and Civilization: A history of insanity in the age of reason;
- The Birth of the Clinic: An archaeology of medical perception;
- The Order of Things: An archaeology of the human sciences;
- Glen M. Cooper (ed.) Galen, De diebus decretoriis,from Greek into Arabic A Critical Edition, with Translation and Commentary, of Hunayn ibn Ishāq Kitāb ayyām al-buhrān;
- Hegel, Philosophy of Nature trans. M J Petry, 2003;
- Science of Logic trans. Arnold Miller, 2003;
- Immanuel Kant, The Moral Law: Groundwork of the metaphysics of morals;
- Kung Chuan Hsiao, Political Pluralism; A Study in Contemporary Political Theory;
- Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe and Jean-Luc Nancy, Retreating the Political;
- Wolfgang Merkel, Alexander Petring, Christian Henkes, Christoph Egle, Social Democracy in Power: The Capacity to Reform;
- Anton Pelinka, Democracy Indian Style;
- Karl Popper,
- The Two Fundamental Problems of the Theory of Knowledge;
- The Logic of Scientific Discovery;
- A.D. Ritchie, Scientific method: An Inquiry into the Character and Validity of Natural Laws;
- Jean-Paul Sartre, Being and Nothingness. An essay on phenomenological ontology;
- Angus Sinclair, Conditions of Knowing: An Essay Towards a Theory of Knowledge;
- Dominique Schnapper
- (ed.) The Democratic Spirit of Law;
- Providential Democracy: An essay on contemporary equality;
- Community of Citizens: On the modern idea of nationality ;
- Ervin Szabo, Socialism and Social Science: Selected Writings of Ervin Szabo;
- H. Vaihinger, The Philosophy of As if;
- Max Weber, From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology;
- Simone Weil, The Need for Roots;
- Julius Rudolph Weinberg, An Examination of Logical Positivism;
- Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
- Dan Arbib, “Les deux voies de Spinoza : l’interprétation levinassienne de l’Éthique et du Traité théologico-politique”, Revue de l’histoire des religions, 2/2012 (Tome 229), p. 275-300 (English Text);
- Ionela Baluta, “(Re)Construire la démocratie sans les femmes. Genre et politique dans la Roumanie postcommuniste”, Clio, 2015/1 (No 41), p. 187-200 (English Text);
- Marc Barbier, Lionel Cauchard, Pierre-Benoit Joly, Catherine Paradeise, Dominique Vinck, “Pour une Approche pragmatique, écologique et politique de l’expertise”, Revue d’anthropologie des connaissances, 1/2013 (7, 1) , p. 1-23 (English Text);
- Sarah Ben Néfissa, “Révolution civile et politique en Égypte. La démocratie et son correctif”, Mouvements, 2/2011 (n° 66) , p. 48-55 (English Text);
- Claire Bénit-Gbaffou, Philippe Gervais-Lambony, “Les formes de la démocratie locale dans les villes sud-africaines”, Revue Tiers Monde, 4/2008 (n° 196), p. 733-739 (English Text);
- Laure Bereni, Anne Revillard, “Un mouvement social paradigmatique ?”, Sociétés contemporaines, 1/2012 (n° 85), p. 17-41 (English Text);
- J.M. Bernstein, “Mimetic Rationality and Material Inference: Adorno and Brandom”, Revue internationale de philosophie, 1/2004 (227), p. 7-23.
- Jacques Bidet, “Le communisme entre philosophie, prophétie et théorie”, Actuel Marx, 2/2010 (n° 48), p. 89-104 (English Text);
- Vincent Bourdeau, Fabrice Flipo, “Du bon usage de la communauté ”, Mouvements, 4/2011 (n° 68), p. 85-99 (English Text);
- Philippe Bourmaud, “Construction nationale et discrimination au Proche-Orient. De la fin de l’Empire ottoman à nos jours”, Vingtième Siècle. Revue d’histoire, 2009/3 (No 103), p. 62-76. (English Text);
- Jean-Denis Bredin, “Secret, transparence et démocratie”, Pouvoirs 2/2001 (97), p. 5-15 (English Text);
- Insa Breyer and Speranta Dumitru, “Les sans-papiers et leur droit d’avoir des droits. Une approche par l’éthique de la discussion”, Raisons politiques, 2007/2 (No 26), p. 125-147 (English Text);
- Sylvaine Bulle, “« L’État nous quitte »”, Mouvements, 2/2013 (n° 74), p. 42-51 (English Text);
- Robin Celikates, “Against Manichaeism : The Politics of Forms of Life and the Possibilities of Critique”, Raisons politiques, 1/2015 (No 57), p. 81-96;
- Sébastien Chauvin, “En attendant les papiers. L’affiliation bridée des migrants irréguliers aux États-Unis?”, Politix, 2009/3 (No 87), p. 47-69 (English Text);
- Pauline Colonna d’Istria, “La raison publique au miroir de l’Un. Claude Lefort vs. Rawls”, Revue du MAUSS, 1/2011 (37), p. 405-418 (English Text);
- Maya Collombon, “Les à-côtés du zapatisme contemporain. Réseaux de résistance et mobilisations dans le Chiapas des années 2000 ”, Mouvements 4/2013 (n° 76), p. 117-129 (English Text);
- Tarik Dahou, “Les modes passent, la communauté reste”, Cahiers d’études africaines 2/2011 (N° 202-203), p. 395-414 (English Text);
- Glyn Daly, “The Terror of Žižek”, Revue internationale de philosophie, 3/2012 (No 261), p. 359-379;
- Martin Deleixhe, “Une réévaluation du droit cosmopolitique kantien. La citoyenneté européenne comme transition du droit de visite vers le droit de résidence”, Revue française de science politique, 2014/1 (Vol. 64), p. 79-93 (English Text);
- Alain Duplouy, “Les prétendues classes censitaires soloniennes. À propos de la citoyenneté athénienne archaïque”, Annales, Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 2014/3, p. 629-658 (English Text);
- Virginie Dutoya, “Une demande faite au nom des femmes ? Quotas et représentation politique des femmes en Inde et au Pakistan (1917-2010)”, Revue française de science politique, 2016/1 (Vol. 66), p. 49-70 (English Text);
- Albert W. Dzur, “Public Restorative Justice: The Participatory Democratic Dimensions of Institutional Reform”, Raisons politiques, 3/2015 (No 59) , p. 51-
71; - François Dubet, “Egalité des places, égalité des chances”, Études, 2011/1 (Volume 414), p. 31-41 (English Text);
- Michaël Fœssel, “Les croyances de l’homme démocratique”, Esprit, 1/2013 (Janvier), p. 53-67 (English Text);
- Patrice Flichy, “La démocratie 2.0”, Études, 5/2010 (Tome 412), p. 617-626 (English Text);
- Christine Froula, “Truth on Trial: Quantum Physics, Western Enlightenment, and A Passage to India”, Études anglaises, 2005/1 (Volume 58), p. 15-30;
- Joël Gaubert, “Malaise populiste dans la démocratie contemporaine”, Cités, 1/2012 (49), p. 27-36 (English Text);
- Stephen Guest, “Integrity, Equality and Justice”, Revue internationale de philosophie, 3/2005 (No 233) , p. 335-362;
- Christian Godin, “Les avatars de la volonté dans les démocraties contemporaines”, Cités, 3/2011 (47-48), p. 267-270 (English Text);
- Samuel Hayat, “La représentation inclusive”, Raisons politiques, 2/2013 (50), p. 115-135 (English Text);
- Jonathan Hearn, “Inequality, liberal society, and the balance of power”, Revue internationale de philosophie, 1/2016 (n° 275), p. 109-128;
- Paulin Ismard, “Le simple corps de la cité”, Annales, Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 3/2014 (69e année), p. 723-751 (English Text);
- Sylvain Kahn, “L’État-nation comme mythe territorial de la construction européenne”, L’Espace géographique, 3/2014 (43), p. 240-250 (English Text);
- Hagen Keller, “Formes électorales et conception de la communauté dans les communes italiennes (12e-14e siècle)”, Revue française de science politique, 6/2014 (Vol. 64), p. 1083-1107 (English Text);
- Linda K. Kerber, “US Women’s History as the History of Human Rights”, Travail, genre et sociétés 2012/2 (No. 28), p. 25-44;
- Richard Lachmann, “States, Citizen Rights and Global Warming”, Revue internationale de philosophie, 2016/1 (No 275), p. 15-35;
- Justine Lacroix, Jean-Yves Pranchère, “ Karl Marx Fut-il vraiment un opposant aux droits de l’homme ?”, Revue française de science politique, 3/2012 (62), p. 433-451 (English Text);
- Didier Lapeyronnie, “Radical Academicism, or the Sociologist’s Monologue : Who are Radical Sociologists Talking with ?”, Revue française de sociologie, 4/2004 (Vol. 45), p. 621-652 (English Text);
- Anne Levade, “Discrimination positive et principe d’égalité en droit français”, Pouvoirs, 2004/4 (No 111), p. 55-71 (English Text);
- Arnaud Macé, “Deux formes du commun en Grèce ancienne”, Annales, Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 3/2014 (69e année), p. 659-688 (English Text);
- Gérard Mauger, “La sociologie est une science politique”, Cités, 3/2012 (n° 51) , p. 33-46 (English Text);
- Denis Merklen, “De la violence politique en démocratie”, Cités, 2/2012 (n° 50) , p. 57-73 (English Text);
- Didier Mineur, “Après Foucault. La philosophie politique en France depuis les années 1980”, Cités, 2013/4 (No 56), p. 51-76 (English Text);
- Sébastien Mort, “Truth and Partisan Media in the USA: Conservative Talk Radio, Fox News and the Assault on Objectivity”, Revue française d’études américaines, 2012/3 (No 133), p. 97-112;
- Christel Müller, “La (dé)construction de la politeia. Citoyenneté et octroi de privilèges aux étrangers dans les démocraties hellénistiques”, Annales, Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 2014/3, p. 753-775 (English Text);
- Boubacar Niane, “ Experts vs chercheurs dans la fabrication et la circulation des savoirs et sens sociopolitiques au Sénégal ”, Cahiers d’études africaines, 2/2011 (202-203), p. 549-562 (English Text);
- Albert Ogien, “Pragmatismes et sociologies”, Revue française de sociologie, 2014/3 (Vol. 55), p. 563-579 (English Text);
- Pamela Pansardi, “Democracy, domination and the distribution of power: Substantive Political Equality as a Procedural Requirement”, Revue internationale de philosophie, 2016/1 (No 275);
- Stefano Petrucciani, “Métastructure, organisation, classe dominante”, Actuel Marx, 1/2008 (n° 43) , p. 166-176 (English Text);
- Thomas Pierre, “L’officialisation de la langue basque en France : du droit à la différence au droit à l’égalité ?”, Langage et société, 2013/3 (No 145), p. 103-119 (English Text);
- John Pitseys, “Publicité et transparence. Le statut de la représentation et de la visibilité politique chez Kelsen et Schmitt”, Revue française de science politique, 2016/1 (Vol. 66), p. 117-135. (English Text);
- Jean-Pierre Potier, “Le socialisme de Léon Walras”, L’Économie politique, 2011/3 (No 51), p. 33-49 (English Text);
- Hervé Rayner, Bernard Voutat, “La judiciarisation à l’épreuve de la démocratie directe”, Revue française de science politique, 4/2014 (Vol. 64), p. 689-709 (English Text);
- Tom Rockmore, “Dilthey and historical reason”, Revue internationale de philosophie, 2003/4 (No 226), p. 477-494;
- François Roubaud and Jean-Michel Wachsberger, “Les quartiers pauvres contre la démocratie ? Le cas d’Antananarivo, Madagascar”, Afrique contemporaine, 2006/4 (No 220), p. 65-96 (English Text);
- Élise Roullaud, “Les ‘experts’ de la PAC à la Confédération paysanne : saisir les logiques sociales de la représentation syndicale”, Politix, 2013/3 (No 103), p. 31-52. (English Text);
- Gabriela Signori, “Similitude, égalité et réciprocité. L’économie matrimoniale dans les sociétés urbaines de l’Empire à la fin du Moyen Âge”, Annales, Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 2012/3, p. 481-502. (English Text);
- Dominique Schnapper, “Les enjeux démocratiques de la statistique ethnique”, Revue française de sociologie, 2008/1 (Vol. 49), p. 133-140 (English Text);
- Lucien Scubla, “Sur une lacune de la théorie mimétique : l’absence du politique dans le système girardien”, Cités, 1/2013 (n° 53), p. 107-137 (English Text);
- John R. Shook, “Pragmatism, Pluralism, and Public Democracy”, Revue française d’études américaines, 2/2010 (124), p. 11-28;
- Guillaume Sibertin-Blanc, “Du simulacre démocratique à la fabulation du peuple : le populisme minoritaire”, Actuel Marx, 2/2013 (n° 54), p. 71-85 (English Text);
- Yves Sintomer, “Les sens de la représentation politique : usages et mésusages d’une notion”, Raisons politiques, 2013/2 (No 50), p. 13-34. (English Text);
- Jean-Fabien Spitz, “Le libertarisme de gauche : l’égalité sous condition de la propriété de soi”, Raisons politiques, 2006/3 (No 23), p. 23-46 (English Text);
- Julien Talpin, “La représentation comme performance”, Revue française de science politique, 1/2016 (Vol. 66), p. 91-115 (English Text);
- Jacques Testart, “Le retour du tirage au sort”, Mouvements, 4/2011 (n° 68), p. 119-127 (English Text);
- Cécile Van de Velde, “« Indignés » : les raisons de la colère”, Cités, 3/2011 (n° 47-48), p. 283-287 (English Text);
- Rafael Vázquez García, “Democratic Effects of Volunteer Organizations in Spain: A Comparative Analysis”, Pôle Sud, 2012/2 (No 37), p. 25-49 (English Text).
- Aristotle,
- Politics, 1998, trans. C.D.C. Reeve;
- Politics, 2012, trans. Joe Sachs;
- Nicomachean Ethics, 2014, trans. C.D.C. Reeve;
- Nicomachean Ethics, 2000, trans. Terence Irwin;
- Nicomachean Ethics, 2002, trans. Joe Sachs;
- Henri Bergson, An Introduction to Metaphysics, 1999, trans. T. E. Hulme;
- Auguste Comte, Introduction to Positive Philosophy, 1988, trans. Frederick Ferré;
- David Friedländer, Friedrich Schleiermacher, Wilhelm Abraham Teller, A Debate on Jewish Emancipation and Christian Theology in Old Berlin, 2004, trans. Richard Crouter and Julie Klassen;
- Galen ‘On the Sects for Beginners’ from Three Treatises on the Nature of Science (Translators: R. Walzer and M. Frede);
- Johann Gottfried Herder, Another Philosophy of History and Selected Political Writing, 2004, trans. Ioannis D. Evrigenis and Daniel Pellerin;
- Herodotus, On the War for Greek Freedom, Selections from The Histories, , 2003, trans. Samuel Shirley;
- Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, 1996, trans. Werner S. Pluhar;
- Karl Marx,
- Marx: Selected Writings, 1994, trans.: Various;
- Writings of the Young Marx on Philosophy and Society, 1997, trans. Loyd D. Easton and Kurt H. Guddat;
- Plato,
- Republic, 1974, trans. G.M.A. Grube;
- Republic, 2004, trans. C.D.C. Reeve;
- Republic, 2007, trans. Joe Sachs;
- Charmides, 1986, trans. West and West
- Euthydemus, 2010, trans. McGrayer and Nichols
- Gorgias, 2007, trans. Arieti & Barus
- Meno, 1998, trans. Anastaplo and Berns
- Parmenides, 1996, trans. Whittaker
- Phaedo, 1998, trans. Brann, Kalkavage and Salem
- Phaedrus, 2003, trans. Scully
- Protagoras, 1992, trans. Frede
- Socrates and the Sophists, 2010, trans. Sachs
- Sophist, 1996, trans. Kalkavage and Salem
- Statesman, 2012, trans. Brann, Kalkavage and Salem
- Statesman, 1992, trans. Skemp and Ostwald
- Symposium, 1998, trans. Sharon
- Theaetetus, 2004, trans. Sachs
- Timaeus, 2001, trans. Kalkavage
- Complete Works, 1997, trans. John Cooper
- Plato, Gorgias and Aristotle Rhetoric, 2009, trans. Joe Sachs
- Plato and Xenophon, Apologies, 2006, trans. Kremer
- Emmanuel Sieyès, Sieyès: Political Writings, 2003, Michael Sonensche;r
- Thucydides,
- The Peloponnesian War, trans. Steven Lattimore;
- Empire and the End of Politics, Plato’s Menexenus and Pericles’ Funeral Oration (from Thucydides’ history of the Peloponnesian War), 1999, trans. Susan Collins and Devin Stauffer;
- Alexis De Tocqueville, Democracy in America, 2000, trans. Stephen D. Grant;
- Max Weber, The Vocation Lectures, 2004, trans. Rodney Livingstone.
- Ajei, M.O. ‘Kwasi Wiredu’s consensual democracy: Prospects for practice in Africa’uropean Journal of Political Theory 6(3), pp. 445-466. Copyright © 2016 by the Author. Reused by permission of SAGE Publications, Ltd.;
- Bhambra, G.K. ‘Citizens and Others: The Constitution of Citizenship through Exclusion’Alternatives: Global, Local, Political 40(2), pp. 102-114. Copyright © 2015 by the Author. Reused by permission of SAGE Publications, Inc.;
- De Sousa Santos, B. (2009) ‘Why Has Cuba Become a Difficult Problem for the Left?’Latin American Perspectives Vol. 36 (3), pp. 43-53. Copyright © 2009 by Latin American Perspectives, Inc. Reused by permission of SAGE Publications, Inc.;
- Garner, R. ‘Animal rights and the deliberative turn in democratic theory’, European Journal of Political Theory published online ahead of print, pp. 1-21. Copyright © 2016 by the Author. Reused by permission of SAGE Publications, Ltd.;
- Hobson, C. ‘Revolution, Representation and the Foundations of Modern Democracy’ European Journal of Political Theory (4), pp. 449-471. Copyright © 2008 by SAGE Publications, Ltd. Reused by permission of SAGE Publications, Ltd.;
- Wolkenstein, F. ‘Populism, liberal democracy and the ethics of peoplehood’ European Journal of Political Theory published online ahead of print, pp. 1-19. Copyright © 2016 by the Author. Reused by permission of SAGE Publications, Ltd.
- Étienne Balibar, Equaliberty: Political Essays
- Karine Chemla & Evelyn Fox Keller, Cultures without Culturalism. The Making of Scientific Knowledge
- Jodi Dean, Democracy and Other Neoliberal Fantasies: Communicative Capitalism and Left Politics
- Enriqué Dussel, Twenty Theses on Politics
- Emmanuel Chukwudi Eze, On Reason: Rationality in a World of Cultural Conflict and Racism
- Jeffrey H. Epstein, Democracy and Its Others
- René Girard,
- The Scapegoat
- Violence and the Sacred
- Daniel Innerarity, The Democracy of Knowledge
- Jacques Rancière, The Politics of Aesthetics
- Georgina Blakeley, Valerie Bryson, Contemporary Political Concepts: A Critical Introduction
- Mary Anne Griffith-Traversy, Democracy, Parliament and Electoral Systems
- Ingo Schmidt The Three Worlds of Social Democracy
- Abdullah Öcalan, The Political Thought of Abdullah Öcalan: Kurdistan, Woman’s Revolution and Democratic Confederalism
- Evgeny Pashukanis, Law and Marxism: A general theory
- Paul A. B. Clarke (ed.) Citizenship: A reader
- Paul Le Blanc (ed.) Revolution, Democracy, Socialism: Selected Writings of V.I. Lenin
- Federico Campagna & Emanuele Campiglio (eds) What We Are Fighting For: A radical collective manifesto
- Antonio Negri, Marx beyond Marx
- Boaventura De Sousa Santos, The Rise of the Global Left: The World Social Forum and Beyond
- William Fisher, Thomas Ponniah, Another World Is Possible: World Social Forum Proposals for an Alternative Globalization
- Hans-Peter Martin, Harald Schumann, The Global Trap: Globalization and the Assault on Prosperity and Democracy
- Galen, Selected Works, translated by P.N. Singer (Oxford World’s Classics, 1997):’The Soul’s Dependence on the Body’ (pp. 150-176) and ‘The Art of Medicine’ (pp. 345-396)). By permission of Oxford University Press.
- Hegel, Philosophy of Nature, trans. M J Petry, 2003. By permission of Oxford University Press.
- Science of Logic, trans. Arnold Miller, 2003. By permission of Oxford University Press.
- Richard Walzer, Al-Fārābī on the Perfect State/Mabādiʾ ārāʾ ahl al-madīna al-fāḍila (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985. By permission of Oxford University Press.
- Fritz W. Zimmermann, Al-Farabi’s Commentary and Short Treatise on Aristotle’s De Interpretatione (Oxford: British Academy/Oxford University Press, 1981). By permission of Oxford University Press.
- Nicos Poulantzas,
- Political Power and Social Classes
- Classes in Contemporary Capitalism
- Alain Badiou, Ethics: An Essay on the Understanding of Evil
- Max Weber, Weber’s Rationalism and Modern Society: New Translations on Politics, Bureaucracy, and Social Stratification
- Ezzaher, Lahcen E., ‘Alfarabi’s Book of Rhetoric: An Arabic-English Translation of Alfarabi’s Commentary on Aristotle’s Rhetoric’ in Rhetorica: A Journal of the History of Rhetoric, Vol. 26 no.4, Autumn 2008, pp. 347-391 (c) 2008 by the International Society for the History of Rhetoric. Published by the University of California Press.
- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel The Phenomenology of Spirit (Trans. Terry Pinkard, 2018);
- Political Writings (Trans. H. B. Nisbet, 1999);
- Philosophy of Right (Trans. H. B. Nisbet, 1991);
- The Science of Logic (Trans. George Di Giovanni, 2015);
- Kant Political Writings (Trans. H. B. Nisbet, 1991);
- Simon Swain, Economy, Family, and Society from Rome to Islam. A Critical Edition, English Translation, and Study of Bryson’s “Management of the Estate” (2016, Part V, pp 425-497.);
- Simon Swain, Themistius, Julian, and Greek Political Theory under Rome (2013).
- Abū al-Faraǧ Ibn al-Ṭayyib’s commentary on Aristotle’s Categories, ed. Ferrari, 2006;
- The Arabic translation of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics ed. Akasoy and Fidora, 2005.
- Averroes, Three Short Commentaries on Aristotle’s ‘Topics’, ‘Rhetoric,’ and ‘Poetics’, translated by Charles Butterworth (1977).
- Avicenna, Remarks and Admonitions. Part One: Logic, translated by Shams C. Inati (1984).
- Rudolf Carnap,
- ‘Testability and Meaning’, Philosophy of Science 3, no. 4 (Oct., 1936): 419-471.
- ‘Testability and Meaning -Continued’, Philosophy of Science 4, no. 1 (Jan., 1937): 1-40.
- René Girard, I see Satan fall like Lightning
- Averroes, Middle Commentaries on Aristotle’s Categories and De Interpretatione
- Logan Clendening, Source Book of Medical History
- Ludwik Fleck, Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact
- D. Dunlop,
- ‘Introductory Sections on Logic’, The Islamic Quarterly (1955) 264–82;
- ‘Al-Fārābī’s Introductory Risālah on Logic’,The Islamic Quarterly (1956) 224–35;
- ‘Al-Farabi’s Eisagoge’,The Islamic Quarterly (1956): 117–38;
- ‘Al-Farabi’s Paraphrase of the Categories of Aristotle [Part 1]’,The Islamic Quarterly (1957) 168–97;
- ‘Al-Farabi’s Paraphrase of the Categories of Aristotle [Part 2],’,The Islamic Quarterly (1959) 21–54.
- Alfarabi,
- K. al-milla wa-nuṣūṣ aḫrā , ed. Muhsin Mahdi (Beirut: Dār al-Mašriq, 1968);
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- Kitāb al-Ḥurūf, d. Muhsin Mahdi (Beirut: Dār al-Mašriq, 1969–1970; 2nd ed. 1990; 3rd ed. 2004);
- al-Manṭiq ʿinda al-Fārābī 4 vols., ed. Rafīq ʿAjam and Majid Fakhry (Beirut: Dār al-Mašhriq, 1985-1987).
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- Tafsīr ma Ba’d at-Tabi’at, ed. Bouyges;
- Talkhīṣ kitāb al-maqūlāt, ed. Bouyges;
- Ibn al-Ṭayyib, Tafsīr kitāb Īsāghūjī li-Furfūriyūs: Ibn al-Ṭayyib’s Commentary on Porphyry’s Eisagoge ed. Kwame Gyekye (Beirut: Dār al-Mashriq, 1975).
- Thérèse-Anne Druart, ‘Le Sommaire du livre des “Lois” de Platon’, Bulletin d’Études Orientales 50 (1998): 109–55;
- Fawzi Mitri Najjar and Dominique Mallet, L’harmonie entre les opinions de Platon et d’Aristote, Damascus: Institut français de Damas, 1999.
- Miklós Maróth (ed.) The Correspondence between Aristotle and Alexander the Great
- Hannah Arendt, Crisis of the Republic
Copyright © 1972, 1971, 1970, 1969 by Hannah Arendt and renewed 1999, 1998, 1997 by Lotte Kohler. Used by permission of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
- Guenoun, Solange, James H. Kavanagh, and Roxanne Lapidus, ‘Jacques Ranciere: Literature, Politics, Aesthetics: Approaches to Democratic Disagreement’, SubStance 29.2 (2000): 3-24 . © 2000 by the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System. Reprinted courtesy of the University of Wisconsin Press.
- Boaventura de Sousa Santos, ‘A Discourse on the Sciences’, Review Vol. 15, No. 1 (Winter, 1992): 9-47 .
- Elizabeth Maier and Nathalie Lebon (eds.) Women’s Activism in Latin America and the Caribbean: Engendering Social Justice, Democratizing Citizenship.
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David Healan
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Seagull Books
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- Beatrix Campbell, End of Equality
- Arwa Salih, The Stillborn
Linda Leith Publishing
- Pascale Navarro, Women and Power: The Case for Parity
Discover Society