
We gratefully acknowledge the generous support of the following publishers and copyright holders in allowing us to include the texts listed below in the Genealogies of Knowledge corpus:


  • C.D. Broad, Scientific Thought: A Philosophical Analysis of some of its fundamental concepts;
  • Scott Buchanan, The Doctrine of Signatures: A Defence of Theory in Medicine;
  • Rudolf Carnap, The Unity of Science;
  • Rupert Crawshay-Williams, Methods and Criteria of Reasoning: An Inquiry into the Structure of Controversy;
  • Emile Durkheim, Professional Ethics and Civic Morals;
  • Jacques Derrida, Specters of Marx: The state of the debt, the work of mourning and the new international;
  • Michel Foucault,
    • Madness and Civilization: A history of insanity in the age of reason;
    • The Birth of the Clinic: An archaeology of medical perception;
    • The Order of Things: An archaeology of the human sciences;
  • Glen M. Cooper (ed.) Galen, De diebus decretoriis,from Greek into Arabic A Critical Edition, with Translation and Commentary, of Hunayn ibn Ishāq Kitāb ayyām al-buhrān;
  • Hegel, Philosophy of Nature trans. M J Petry, 2003;
    • Science of Logic trans. Arnold Miller, 2003;
  • Immanuel Kant, The Moral Law: Groundwork of the metaphysics of morals;
  • Kung Chuan Hsiao, Political Pluralism; A Study in Contemporary Political Theory;
  • Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe and Jean-Luc Nancy, Retreating the Political;
  • Wolfgang Merkel, Alexander Petring, Christian Henkes, Christoph Egle, Social Democracy in Power: The Capacity to Reform;
  • Anton Pelinka, Democracy Indian Style;
  • Karl Popper,
    • The Two Fundamental Problems of the Theory of Knowledge;
    • The Logic of Scientific Discovery;
  • A.D. Ritchie, Scientific method: An Inquiry into the Character and Validity of Natural Laws;
  • Jean-Paul Sartre, Being and Nothingness. An essay on phenomenological ontology;
  • Angus Sinclair, Conditions of Knowing: An Essay Towards a Theory of Knowledge;
  • Dominique Schnapper
    • (ed.) The Democratic Spirit of Law;
    • Providential Democracy: An essay on contemporary equality;
    • Community of Citizens: On the modern idea of nationality ;
  • Ervin Szabo, Socialism and Social Science: Selected Writings of Ervin Szabo;
  • H. Vaihinger, The Philosophy of As if;
  • Max Weber, From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology;
  • Simone Weil, The Need for Roots;
  • Julius Rudolph Weinberg, An Examination of Logical Positivism;
  • Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

Cairn international

  • Dan Arbib, “Les deux voies de Spinoza : l’interprétation levinassienne de l’Éthique et du Traité théologico-politique”, Revue de l’histoire des religions, 2/2012 (Tome 229), p. 275-300 (English Text);
  • Ionela Baluta, “(Re)Construire la démocratie sans les femmes. Genre et politique dans la Roumanie postcommuniste”, Clio, 2015/1 (No 41), p. 187-200 (English Text);
  • Marc Barbier, Lionel Cauchard, Pierre-Benoit Joly, Catherine Paradeise, Dominique Vinck, “Pour une Approche pragmatique, écologique et politique de l’expertise”, Revue d’anthropologie des connaissances, 1/2013 (7, 1) , p. 1-23 (English Text);
  • Sarah Ben Néfissa, “Révolution civile et politique en Égypte. La démocratie et son correctif”, Mouvements, 2/2011 (n° 66) , p. 48-55 (English Text);
  • Claire Bénit-Gbaffou, Philippe Gervais-Lambony, “Les formes de la démocratie locale dans les villes sud-africaines”, Revue Tiers Monde, 4/2008 (n° 196), p. 733-739 (English Text);
  • Laure Bereni, Anne Revillard, “Un mouvement social paradigmatique ?”, Sociétés contemporaines, 1/2012 (n° 85), p. 17-41 (English Text);
  • J.M. Bernstein, “Mimetic Rationality and Material Inference: Adorno and Brandom”, Revue internationale de philosophie, 1/2004 (227), p. 7-23.
  • Jacques Bidet, “Le communisme entre philosophie, prophétie et théorie”, Actuel Marx, 2/2010 (n° 48), p. 89-104 (English Text);
  • Vincent Bourdeau, Fabrice Flipo, “Du bon usage de la communauté ”, Mouvements, 4/2011 (n° 68), p. 85-99 (English Text);
  • Philippe Bourmaud, “Construction nationale et discrimination au Proche-Orient. De la fin de l’Empire ottoman à nos jours”, Vingtième Siècle. Revue d’histoire, 2009/3 (No 103), p. 62-76. (English Text);
  • Jean-Denis Bredin, “Secret, transparence et démocratie”, Pouvoirs 2/2001 (97), p. 5-15 (English Text);
  • Insa Breyer and Speranta Dumitru, “Les sans-papiers et leur droit d’avoir des droits. Une approche par l’éthique de la discussion”, Raisons politiques, 2007/2 (No 26), p. 125-147 (English Text);
  • Sylvaine Bulle, “« L’État nous quitte »”, Mouvements, 2/2013 (n° 74), p. 42-51 (English Text);
  • Robin Celikates, “Against Manichaeism : The Politics of Forms of Life and the Possibilities of Critique”, Raisons politiques, 1/2015 (No 57), p. 81-96;
  • Sébastien Chauvin, “En attendant les papiers. L’affiliation bridée des migrants irréguliers aux États-Unis?”, Politix, 2009/3 (No 87), p. 47-69 (English Text);
  • Pauline Colonna d’Istria, “La raison publique au miroir de l’Un. Claude Lefort vs. Rawls”, Revue du MAUSS, 1/2011 (37), p. 405-418 (English Text);
  • Maya Collombon, “Les à-côtés du zapatisme contemporain. Réseaux de résistance et mobilisations dans le Chiapas des années 2000 ”, Mouvements 4/2013 (n° 76), p. 117-129 (English Text);
  • Tarik Dahou, “Les modes passent, la communauté reste”, Cahiers d’études africaines 2/2011 (N° 202-203), p. 395-414 (English Text);
  • Glyn Daly, “The Terror of Žižek”, Revue internationale de philosophie, 3/2012 (No 261), p. 359-379;
  • Martin Deleixhe, “Une réévaluation du droit cosmopolitique kantien. La citoyenneté européenne comme transition du droit de visite vers le droit de résidence”, Revue française de science politique, 2014/1 (Vol. 64), p. 79-93 (English Text);
  • Alain Duplouy, “Les prétendues classes censitaires soloniennes. À propos de la citoyenneté athénienne archaïque”, Annales, Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 2014/3, p. 629-658 (English Text);
  • Virginie Dutoya, “Une demande faite au nom des femmes ? Quotas et représentation politique des femmes en Inde et au Pakistan (1917-2010)”, Revue française de science politique, 2016/1 (Vol. 66), p. 49-70 (English Text);
  • Albert W. Dzur, “Public Restorative Justice: The Participatory Democratic Dimensions of Institutional Reform”, Raisons politiques, 3/2015 (No 59) , p. 51-
  • François Dubet, “Egalité des places, égalité des chances”, Études, 2011/1 (Volume 414), p. 31-41 (English Text);
  • Michaël Fœssel, “Les croyances de l’homme démocratique”, Esprit, 1/2013 (Janvier), p. 53-67 (English Text);
  • Patrice Flichy, “La démocratie 2.0”, Études, 5/2010 (Tome 412), p. 617-626 (English Text);
  • Christine Froula, “Truth on Trial: Quantum Physics, Western Enlightenment, and A Passage to India”, Études anglaises, 2005/1 (Volume 58), p. 15-30;
  • Joël Gaubert, “Malaise populiste dans la démocratie contemporaine”, Cités, 1/2012 (49), p. 27-36 (English Text);
  • Stephen Guest, “Integrity, Equality and Justice”, Revue internationale de philosophie, 3/2005 (No 233) , p. 335-362;
  • Christian Godin, “Les avatars de la volonté dans les démocraties contemporaines”, Cités, 3/2011 (47-48), p. 267-270 (English Text);
  • Samuel Hayat, “La représentation inclusive”, Raisons politiques, 2/2013 (50), p. 115-135 (English Text);
  • Jonathan Hearn, “Inequality, liberal society, and the balance of power”, Revue internationale de philosophie, 1/2016 (n° 275), p. 109-128;
  • Paulin Ismard, “Le simple corps de la cité”, Annales, Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 3/2014 (69e année), p. 723-751 (English Text);
  • Sylvain Kahn, “L’État-nation comme mythe territorial de la construction européenne”, L’Espace géographique, 3/2014 (43), p. 240-250 (English Text);
  • Hagen Keller, “Formes électorales et conception de la communauté dans les communes italiennes (12e-14e siècle)”, Revue française de science politique, 6/2014 (Vol. 64), p. 1083-1107 (English Text);
  • Linda K. Kerber, “US Women’s History as the History of Human Rights”, Travail, genre et sociétés 2012/2 (No. 28), p. 25-44;
  • Richard Lachmann, “States, Citizen Rights and Global Warming”, Revue internationale de philosophie, 2016/1 (No 275), p. 15-35;
  • Justine Lacroix, Jean-Yves Pranchère, “ Karl Marx Fut-il vraiment un opposant aux droits de l’homme ?”, Revue française de science politique, 3/2012 (62), p. 433-451 (English Text);
  • Didier Lapeyronnie, “Radical Academicism, or the Sociologist’s Monologue : Who are Radical Sociologists Talking with ?”, Revue française de sociologie, 4/2004 (Vol. 45), p. 621-652 (English Text);
  • Anne Levade, “Discrimination positive et principe d’égalité en droit français”, Pouvoirs, 2004/4 (No 111), p. 55-71 (English Text);
  • Arnaud Macé, “Deux formes du commun en Grèce ancienne”, Annales, Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 3/2014 (69e année), p. 659-688 (English Text);
  • Gérard Mauger, “La sociologie est une science politique”, Cités, 3/2012 (n° 51) , p. 33-46 (English Text);
  • Denis Merklen, “De la violence politique en démocratie”, Cités, 2/2012 (n° 50) , p. 57-73 (English Text);
  • Didier Mineur, “Après Foucault. La philosophie politique en France depuis les années 1980”, Cités, 2013/4 (No 56), p. 51-76 (English Text);
  • Sébastien Mort, “Truth and Partisan Media in the USA: Conservative Talk Radio, Fox News and the Assault on Objectivity”, Revue française d’études américaines, 2012/3 (No 133), p. 97-112;
  • Christel Müller, “La (dé)construction de la politeia. Citoyenneté et octroi de privilèges aux étrangers dans les démocraties hellénistiques”, Annales, Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 2014/3, p. 753-775 (English Text);
  • Boubacar Niane, “ Experts vs chercheurs dans la fabrication et la circulation des savoirs et sens sociopolitiques au Sénégal ”, Cahiers d’études africaines, 2/2011 (202-203), p. 549-562 (English Text);
  • Albert Ogien, “Pragmatismes et sociologies”, Revue française de sociologie, 2014/3 (Vol. 55), p. 563-579 (English Text);
  • Pamela Pansardi, “Democracy, domination and the distribution of power: Substantive Political Equality as a Procedural Requirement”, Revue internationale de philosophie, 2016/1 (No 275);
  • Stefano Petrucciani, “Métastructure, organisation, classe dominante”, Actuel Marx, 1/2008 (n° 43) , p. 166-176 (English Text);
  • Thomas Pierre, “L’officialisation de la langue basque en France : du droit à la différence au droit à l’égalité ?”, Langage et société, 2013/3 (No 145), p. 103-119 (English Text);
  • John Pitseys, “Publicité et transparence. Le statut de la représentation et de la visibilité politique chez Kelsen et Schmitt”, Revue française de science politique, 2016/1 (Vol. 66), p. 117-135. (English Text);
  • Jean-Pierre Potier, “Le socialisme de Léon Walras”, L’Économie politique, 2011/3 (No 51), p. 33-49 (English Text);
  • Hervé Rayner, Bernard Voutat, “La judiciarisation à l’épreuve de la démocratie directe”, Revue française de science politique, 4/2014 (Vol. 64), p. 689-709 (English Text);
  • Tom Rockmore, “Dilthey and historical reason”, Revue internationale de philosophie, 2003/4 (No 226), p. 477-494;
  • François Roubaud and Jean-Michel Wachsberger, “Les quartiers pauvres contre la démocratie ? Le cas d’Antananarivo, Madagascar”, Afrique contemporaine, 2006/4 (No 220), p. 65-96 (English Text);
  • Élise Roullaud, “Les ‘experts’ de la PAC à la Confédération paysanne : saisir les logiques sociales de la représentation syndicale”, Politix, 2013/3 (No 103), p. 31-52. (English Text);
  • Gabriela Signori, “Similitude, égalité et réciprocité. L’économie matrimoniale dans les sociétés urbaines de l’Empire à la fin du Moyen Âge”, Annales, Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 2012/3, p. 481-502. (English Text);
  • Dominique Schnapper, “Les enjeux démocratiques de la statistique ethnique”, Revue française de sociologie, 2008/1 (Vol. 49), p. 133-140 (English Text);
  • Lucien Scubla, “Sur une lacune de la théorie mimétique : l’absence du politique dans le système girardien”, Cités, 1/2013 (n° 53), p. 107-137 (English Text);
  • John R. Shook, “Pragmatism, Pluralism, and Public Democracy”, Revue française d’études américaines, 2/2010 (124), p. 11-28;
  • Guillaume Sibertin-Blanc, “Du simulacre démocratique à la fabulation du peuple : le populisme minoritaire”, Actuel Marx, 2/2013 (n° 54), p. 71-85 (English Text);
  • Yves Sintomer, “Les sens de la représentation politique : usages et mésusages d’une notion”, Raisons politiques, 2013/2 (No 50), p. 13-34. (English Text);
  • Jean-Fabien Spitz, “Le libertarisme de gauche : l’égalité sous condition de la propriété de soi”, Raisons politiques, 2006/3 (No 23), p. 23-46 (English Text);
  • Julien Talpin, “La représentation comme performance”, Revue française de science politique, 1/2016 (Vol. 66), p. 91-115 (English Text);
  • Jacques Testart, “Le retour du tirage au sort”, Mouvements, 4/2011 (n° 68), p. 119-127 (English Text);
  • Cécile Van de Velde, “« Indignés » : les raisons de la colère”, Cités, 3/2011 (n° 47-48), p. 283-287 (English Text);
  • Rafael Vázquez García, “Democratic Effects of Volunteer Organizations in Spain: A Comparative Analysis”, Pôle Sud, 2012/2 (No 37), p. 25-49 (English Text).

Hackett Publishing Company

  • Aristotle,
    • Politics, 1998, trans. C.D.C. Reeve;
    • Politics, 2012, trans. Joe Sachs;
    • Nicomachean Ethics, 2014, trans. C.D.C. Reeve;
    • Nicomachean Ethics, 2000, trans. Terence Irwin;
    • Nicomachean Ethics, 2002, trans. Joe Sachs;
  • Henri Bergson, An Introduction to Metaphysics, 1999, trans. T. E. Hulme;
  • Auguste Comte, Introduction to Positive Philosophy, 1988, trans. Frederick Ferré;
  • David Friedländer, Friedrich Schleiermacher, Wilhelm Abraham Teller, A Debate on Jewish Emancipation and Christian Theology in Old Berlin, 2004, trans. Richard Crouter and Julie Klassen;
  • Galen ‘On the Sects for Beginners’ from Three Treatises on the Nature of Science (Translators: R. Walzer and M. Frede);
  • Johann Gottfried Herder, Another Philosophy of History and Selected Political Writing, 2004, trans. Ioannis D. Evrigenis and Daniel Pellerin;
  • Herodotus, On the War for Greek Freedom, Selections from The Histories, , 2003, trans. Samuel Shirley;
  • Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, 1996, trans. Werner S. Pluhar;
  • Karl Marx,
    • Marx: Selected Writings, 1994, trans.: Various;
    • Writings of the Young Marx on Philosophy and Society, 1997, trans. Loyd D. Easton and Kurt H. Guddat;
  • Plato,
    • Republic, 1974, trans. G.M.A. Grube;
    • Republic, 2004, trans. C.D.C. Reeve;
    • Republic, 2007, trans. Joe Sachs;
    • Charmides, 1986, trans. West and West
    • Euthydemus, 2010, trans. McGrayer and Nichols
    • Gorgias, 2007, trans. Arieti & Barus
    • Meno, 1998, trans. Anastaplo and Berns
    • Parmenides, 1996, trans. Whittaker
    • Phaedo, 1998, trans. Brann, Kalkavage and Salem
    • Phaedrus, 2003, trans. Scully
    • Protagoras, 1992, trans. Frede
    • Socrates and the Sophists, 2010, trans. Sachs
    • Sophist, 1996, trans. Kalkavage and Salem
    • Statesman, 2012, trans. Brann, Kalkavage and Salem
    • Statesman, 1992, trans. Skemp and Ostwald
    • Symposium, 1998, trans. Sharon
    • Theaetetus, 2004, trans. Sachs
    • Timaeus, 2001, trans. Kalkavage
    • Complete Works, 1997, trans. John Cooper
  • Plato, Gorgias and Aristotle Rhetoric, 2009, trans. Joe Sachs
  • Plato and Xenophon, Apologies, 2006, trans. Kremer
  • Emmanuel Sieyès, Sieyès: Political Writings, 2003, Michael Sonensche;r
  • Thucydides,
    • The Peloponnesian War, trans. Steven Lattimore;
    • Empire and the End of Politics, Plato’s Menexenus and Pericles’ Funeral Oration (from Thucydides’ history of the Peloponnesian War), 1999, trans. Susan Collins and Devin Stauffer;
  • Alexis De Tocqueville, Democracy in America, 2000, trans. Stephen D. Grant;
  • Max Weber, The Vocation Lectures, 2004, trans. Rodney Livingstone.

SAGE Publications

  • Ajei, M.O. ‘Kwasi Wiredu’s consensual democracy: Prospects for practice in Africa’uropean Journal of Political Theory 6(3), pp. 445-466. Copyright © 2016 by the Author. Reused by permission of SAGE Publications, Ltd.;
  • Bhambra, G.K. ‘Citizens and Others: The Constitution of Citizenship through Exclusion’Alternatives: Global, Local, Political 40(2), pp. 102-114. Copyright © 2015 by the Author. Reused by permission of SAGE Publications, Inc.;
  • De Sousa Santos, B. (2009) ‘Why Has Cuba Become a Difficult Problem for the Left?’Latin American Perspectives Vol. 36 (3), pp. 43-53. Copyright © 2009 by Latin American Perspectives, Inc. Reused by permission of SAGE Publications, Inc.;
  • Garner, R. ‘Animal rights and the deliberative turn in democratic theory’, European Journal of Political Theory published online ahead of print, pp. 1-21. Copyright © 2016 by the Author. Reused by permission of SAGE Publications, Ltd.;
  • Hobson, C. ‘Revolution, Representation and the Foundations of Modern Democracy’ European Journal of Political Theory (4), pp. 449-471. Copyright © 2008 by SAGE Publications, Ltd. Reused by permission of SAGE Publications, Ltd.;
  • Wolkenstein, F. ‘Populism, liberal democracy and the ethics of peoplehood’ European Journal of Political Theory published online ahead of print, pp. 1-19. Copyright © 2016 by the Author. Reused by permission of SAGE Publications, Ltd.

Duke University Press

  • Étienne Balibar, Equaliberty: Political Essays
  • Karine Chemla & Evelyn Fox Keller, Cultures without Culturalism. The Making of Scientific Knowledge
  • Jodi Dean, Democracy and Other Neoliberal Fantasies: Communicative Capitalism and Left Politics
  • Enriqué Dussel, Twenty Theses on Politics
  • Emmanuel Chukwudi Eze, On Reason: Rationality in a World of Cultural Conflict and Racism

Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.

  • Jeffrey H. Epstein, Democracy and Its Others
  • René Girard,
    • The Scapegoat
    • Violence and the Sacred
  • Daniel Innerarity, The Democracy of Knowledge
  • Jacques Rancière, The Politics of Aesthetics

Pluto Press

  • Georgina Blakeley, Valerie Bryson, Contemporary Political Concepts: A Critical Introduction
  • Mary Anne Griffith-Traversy, Democracy, Parliament and Electoral Systems
  • Ingo Schmidt The Three Worlds of Social Democracy
  • Abdullah Öcalan, The Political Thought of Abdullah Öcalan: Kurdistan, Woman’s Revolution and Democratic Confederalism 
  • Evgeny Pashukanis, Law and Marxism: A general theory
  • Paul A. B. Clarke (ed.) Citizenship: A reader
  • Paul Le Blanc (ed.) Revolution, Democracy, Socialism: Selected Writings of V.I. Lenin
  • Federico Campagna & Emanuele Campiglio (eds) What We Are Fighting For: A radical collective manifesto
  • Antonio Negri, Marx beyond Marx

Zed Books

  • Boaventura De Sousa Santos, The Rise of the Global Left: The World Social Forum and Beyond
  • William Fisher, Thomas Ponniah, Another World Is Possible: World Social Forum Proposals for an Alternative Globalization
  • Hans-Peter Martin, Harald Schumann, The Global Trap: Globalization and the Assault on Prosperity and Democracy

Oxford University Press

  • Galen, Selected Works, translated by P.N. Singer (Oxford World’s Classics, 1997):’The Soul’s Dependence on the Body’ (pp. 150-176) and ‘The Art of Medicine’ (pp. 345-396)). By permission of Oxford University Press.
  • Hegel, Philosophy of Nature, trans. M J Petry, 2003. By permission of Oxford University Press.
    • Science of Logic, trans. Arnold Miller, 2003. By permission of Oxford University Press.
  • Richard Walzer, Al-Fārābī on the Perfect State/Mabādiʾ ārāʾ ahl al-madīna al-fāḍila (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985. By permission of Oxford University Press.
  • Fritz W. Zimmermann, Al-Farabi’s Commentary and Short Treatise on Aristotle’s De Interpretatione (Oxford: British Academy/Oxford University Press, 1981). By permission of Oxford University Press.

Verso Books

  • Nicos Poulantzas,
    • Political Power and Social Classes
    • Classes in Contemporary Capitalism
  • Alain Badiou, Ethics: An Essay on the Understanding of Evil

Palgrave Macmillan

  • Max Weber, Weber’s Rationalism and Modern Society: New Translations on Politics, Bureaucracy, and Social Stratification

University of California Press

  • Ezzaher, Lahcen E., ‘Alfarabi’s Book of Rhetoric: An Arabic-English Translation of Alfarabi’s Commentary on Aristotle’s Rhetoric’ in Rhetorica: A Journal of the History of Rhetoric, Vol. 26 no.4, Autumn 2008, pp. 347-391 (c) 2008 by the International Society for the History of Rhetoric. Published by the University of California Press.

Cambridge University Press

  • Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel The Phenomenology of Spirit (Trans. Terry Pinkard, 2018);
    • Political Writings (Trans. H. B. Nisbet, 1999);
    • Philosophy of Right (Trans. H. B. Nisbet, 1991);
    • The Science of Logic (Trans. George Di Giovanni, 2015);
  • Kant Political Writings (Trans. H. B. Nisbet, 1991);
  • Simon Swain, Economy, Family, and Society from Rome to Islam. A Critical Edition, English Translation, and Study of Bryson’s “Management of the Estate” (2016, Part V, pp 425-497.);
  • Simon Swain, Themistius, Julian, and Greek Political Theory under Rome (2013).


  • Abū al-Faraǧ Ibn al-Ṭayyib’s commentary on Aristotle’s Categories, ed. Ferrari, 2006;
  • The Arabic translation of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics ed. Akasoy and Fidora, 2005.

State University of New York Press

State University of New York Press

  • Averroes, Three Short Commentaries on Aristotle’s ‘Topics’, ‘Rhetoric,’ and ‘Poetics’, translated by Charles Butterworth (1977).

Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies

Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies

  • Avicenna, Remarks and Admonitions. Part One: Logic, translated by Shams C. Inati (1984).

The University of Chicago Press Journals

  • Rudolf Carnap,
    • ‘Testability and Meaning’, Philosophy of Science 3, no. 4 (Oct., 1936): 419-471.
    • ‘Testability and Meaning -Continued’, Philosophy of Science 4, no. 1 (Jan., 1937): 1-40.

Orbis Books

  • René Girard, I see Satan fall like Lightning

St. Augustine’s Press

  • Averroes, Middle Commentaries on Aristotle’s Categories and De Interpretatione

Dover Publications

  • Logan Clendening, Source Book of Medical History

University of Chicago Press

  • Ludwik Fleck, Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact

Islamic Quarterly

  • D. Dunlop,
    • ‘Introductory Sections on Logic’, The Islamic Quarterly (1955) 264–82;
    • ‘Al-Fārābī’s Introductory Risālah on Logic’,The Islamic Quarterly (1956) 224–35;
    • ‘Al-Farabi’s Eisagoge’,The Islamic Quarterly (1956): 117–38;
    • ‘Al-Farabi’s Paraphrase of the Categories of Aristotle [Part 1]’,The Islamic Quarterly (1957) 168–97;
    • ‘Al-Farabi’s Paraphrase of the Categories of Aristotle [Part 2],’,The Islamic Quarterly (1959) 21–54.

Dar el Machreq

  • Alfarabi,
      • K. al-milla wa-nuṣūṣ aḫrā , ed. Muhsin Mahdi (Beirut: Dār al-Mašriq, 1968);
      • Fuṣūl muntazaʿa , ed. Fawzī Mitrī Najjār (Beirut: Dār al-Mašriq, 1971);
      • Kitāb al-Ḥurūf, d. Muhsin Mahdi (Beirut: Dār al-Mašriq, 1969–1970; 2nd ed. 1990; 3rd ed. 2004);
      • al-Manṭiq ʿinda al-Fārābī 4 vols., ed. Rafīq ʿAjam and Majid Fakhry (Beirut: Dār al-Mašhriq, 1985-1987).
  • Averroès,
      • Tafsīr ma Ba’d at-Tabi’at, ed. Bouyges;
      • Talkhīṣ kitāb al-maqūlāt, ed. Bouyges;
  • Ibn al-Ṭayyib, Tafsīr kitāb Īsāghūjī li-Furfūriyūs: Ibn al-Ṭayyib’s Commentary on Porphyry’s Eisagoge ed. Kwame Gyekye (Beirut: Dār al-Mashriq, 1975).

Institut français du Proche-Orient

  • Thérèse-Anne Druart, ‘Le Sommaire du livre des “Lois” de Platon’, Bulletin d’Études Orientales 50 (1998): 109–55;
  • Fawzi Mitri Najjar and Dominique Mallet, L’harmonie entre les opinions de Platon et d’Aristote, Damascus: Institut français de Damas, 1999.

Avicenna Institute of Middle Eastern Studies Avicenna Kutatási Non-Profit Kft.

  • Miklós Maróth (ed.) The Correspondence between Aristotle and Alexander the Great

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

  • Hannah Arendt, Crisis of the Republic
    Copyright © 1972, 1971, 1970, 1969 by Hannah Arendt and renewed 1999, 1998, 1997 by Lotte Kohler. Used by permission of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

The University of Wisconsin Press

  • Guenoun, Solange, James H. Kavanagh, and Roxanne Lapidus, ‘Jacques Ranciere: Literature, Politics, Aesthetics: Approaches to Democratic Disagreement’, SubStance 29.2 (2000): 3-24 . © 2000 by the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System. Reprinted courtesy of the University of Wisconsin Press.

Binghamton University

  • Boaventura de Sousa Santos, ‘A Discourse on the Sciences’, Review Vol. 15, No. 1 (Winter, 1992): 9-47 .

Rutgers University Press

  • Elizabeth Maier and Nathalie Lebon (eds.) Women’s Activism in Latin America and the Caribbean: Engendering Social Justice, Democratizing Citizenship.

 Corpus Medicorum Latinorum

Corpus Medicorum Latinorum

  • Caelius Aurelianus On Acute and Chronic Diseases (Latin text, G. Bendz (ed.), 1990–1993).


David Healan


Seagull Books

  • Gerard Mairet, Fable of the World
  • Beatrix Campbell, End of Equality
  • Arwa Salih, The Stillborn


Linda Leith Publishing

  • Pascale Navarro, Women and Power: The Case for Parity

Activist Post




Answers in Genesis

Australian Climate Madness

Australian Climate Madness


Bad Science



Climate Depot

Climate Depot

Creation Ministries International

Creation Ministries International

Creation Worldview Ministries



Discover Society

Evangelical Times

Harun Yahya


I cite


Information Clearing House

Left Flank

Left Foot Forward

Left Foot Forward

Mother Jones

The Nation

New Left Project





Principia Scientific International

Principia Scientific International

The Risk-Monger

ROAR (Reflections on a Revolution) Magazine

Salvage Zone


TaxPayers' Alliance

TaxPayers’ Alliance

Selected Articles



Viewpoint Magazine