Year: 2021
From text to data: Mediality in corpus-based translation studies
Jan Buts & Henry Jones MonTI: Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación URI: Abstract This paper seeks to promote deeper reflection within the […]
Epistemologies of evidence-based medicine: A plea for corpus-based conceptual research in the medical humanities
Jan Buts, Mona Baker, Saturnino Luz, & Eivind Engebretsen Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy OPEN ACCESS DOI: Abstract Evidence-based medicine has been […]
At @CentreShe, we are organizing a webinar on corpora and the study of scientific discourse. 🦠All welcome! Info and registration here:
A new scholarship by the @UniofOxford for Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank. Please consider applying or sharing with those interested.
scholarship will cover course fees, a grant for living costs, as well as additional support towards arrival costs.
MA students across @CircleU_eu can now apply for an Honours Certificate in Sustainable Health! This interdisciplinary supplement is available online and can be pursued alongside your main study program