Welcome to the second issue of the AHRC Genealogies of Knowledge project e-newsletter, featuring news on the people, events and activities associated with the project.
Second Call for Papers: Genealogies of Knowledge I: Translating Political and Scientific Thought across Time and Space
Hosted by the research team leading the AHRC-funded Genealogies of Knowledge project at the University of Manchester, this conference will provide a forum for engaging with questions of current import in relation to the role of translation in the production and circulation of political, scientific and other key concepts in social life across time and space.
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Latest News
Kamran Karimullah
I am the first of the Genealogies of Knowledge project’s senior post-doctoral researchers to be appointed. I received my Ph.D. from McGill University in 2014 in Islamic Philosophy.…
Corpus Semiotics: Reassessing Context
This forthcoming workshop (5 June 2017) is envisaged as a forum for discussing a variety of contributions on the intersection of context, medium and methodology in corpus analysis. Possible themes include multimodal analysis, annotation as adaptation, visual and aural corpora, digital rhetoric, semiotic interaction, and intercultural translation.
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Researching Translation and Interpreting I: The Challenge and Promise of Interdisciplinarity
Organised to launch the Baker Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and as the first of a series of events and initiatives to be carried out under its aegis, this international conference will bring together established scholars as well as doctoral students and early career researchers to examine various facets and challenges of pursuing interdisciplinary research on translation and interpreting…
Tracing the Impact of Latin Translations of Arabic Texts on European Society
In this article, Professor Charles Burnett, a world expert in the history of Islamic influences in Europe at The Warburg Institute (London University), retraces the impact the Latin translations of Arabic texts of science and philosophy had on the intellectual progress of Europe in the decisive period that preceded and prepared the Renaissance.
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