Dr. Ian Alan Paul (Al-Quds Bard College, Abu Dis, Palestine) is a transdisciplinary artist, theorist, and curator. Drawing upon his fieldwork undertaken between 2013 and 2015, this event at the University of Manchester explored the myriad forms of contestation that emerged between the diverse legacies of the January 2011 uprising and the subsequent 2013 military coup in Cairo, Egypt. The presentation features sections of the online documentary The Conditions of Possibility (2016), reflections on the production of the documentary, and analysis of the competing forms of democratic possibility and suffocating security that continue to unfold in the present. The talk was oriented by the question: How does the unfinished history of the January 2011 revolution continue to reshape how we imagine the “demos” as the subject of democracy?
Democracy, Futurity, and Security in Post-Coup Cairo (9 June 2017)
This event was produced in association with The Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Arts and Languages (CIDRAL)