The Genealogies of Knowledge project team is pleased to announce that video recordings of all six keynote presentations delivered during our first international conference last year in December 2017 are now available to view online.
Please click on the links below to access these resources. Each speaker’s abstract and bio data can additionally be found here.
Keynote presentations
- Robert Wisnovsky, ‘Commentaries, Translation and Philosophical Change: The Case of Greek-into-Arabic’
- Marianne Maeckelbergh, ‘The Practice of Unknowing: Knowledge Construction and Deconstruction in Social Movement Networks’
- Eivind Engebretsen, ‘Knowledge Translation (KT) as Bio-textual Crossings’
- Edward Baring, ‘What’s Continental about Continental Philosophy?’
- Theo Hermans, ‘Entangled Knowledge: Early Modern Translation in the Jesuit Missions and the Low Countries’
- Christina D’Ancona, ‘Plotinus from Baghdad to Shiraz (and Istanbul)’
Additional materials
Also available are a selection of photos from the event and recordings of the panel presentations given by members of the Genealogies of Knowledge team:
- Henry Jones, ‘Renarrating Thucydides, Democracy and Citizenship: Towards a Corpus-based Analysis of Classical Retranslations in Nineteenth-century Britain‘
- Jan Buts, ‘Concordancing Discord. Online Alternative Media and the Vocabulary of Democracy’
- Kamran Karimullah, ‘Translating Symptoms, Symptoms of Translation: Medieval and Modern Approaches to Translating Hippocratic Texts’
- Saturnino Luz, ‘Online Analysis and Visualization of Multi-faceted Textual Corpora’