Genealogies of Knowledge Software – Developments and Enhancements

The Genealogies of Knowledge project has recently announced the release of the GoK corpus browser interface for researchers wishing to work with the range of corpora developed as part of this project.

This is a substantial resource which is constantly being expanded. It currently consists of the following sections:

  • Modern English Corpus: 17,757,212 tokens
  • Internet English Corpus: 1,201,414 tokens
  • Classical Greek Corpus: 2,763,315 tokens
  • Early Latin Corpus: 866,462 tokens
  • Medieval Arabic Corpus: 1,545,223 tokens

New Features

New functionalities have also now been added to the main concordancing interface:

Once you have generated a concordance, you can now delete a line by clicking on the Delete Line button in the right-hand corner of the screen. You can also select and delete a block of consecutive lines.

See for more information.

A Sort by filename button on the same interface allows you to resort concordances by filename, and hence to be able to examine all concordances from a specific file together.

See for more information.


The Mosaic visualization interface has now been adapted to offer more functionalities, as follows:

Clicking on a tile in the Mosaic sorts the appropriate column in the concordance window and scrolls to the clicked word where it appears in that position. All concordance lines containing the clicked word in the relevant position are highlighted in purple. In addition, the clicked word is also highlighted in the concordance where it occurs in positions other than the one selected in the Mosaic. This allows users to capture occurrences of a given collocation, such as ‘good’ + ‘citizen’ in the example below, within an expanded collocation span.

See interactions for more information.

Sub-corpora selection

For colleagues who may have been experiencing difficulty with accessing the list of sub-corpora from the File menu on some Windows PCs, we are pleased to confirm that this issue has now been resolved.

Sup-corpora menu

Further Information

For information on the composition of the corpora, see

To download the corpus browser interface, please visit and click ‘Start GoK Tool’.