Researching Citizen Media

Researching Citizen Media

Researching Citizen Media – Methods and Ethics


An interdisciplinary workshop to be held at the University of Manchester, UK

15-16 September 2016


Heightened distrust in traditional forms of governance and mainstream media
industries has given rise to alternative repertoires of action that now occupy a
prominent place in public consciousness across the globe. In this context,
unaffiliated individuals and collectives have come to play an important role in
articulating various forms of political and aesthetic expression, whether in physical
sites (as in the case of street art and parkour), on virtual platforms (blogging,
mockumentaries, fansubbing), or across hybrid environments that combine
embodied and digital practices, as in the case of documentary film-making. In
producing and disseminating such citizen media content, engaged individuals and
collectives seek to reclaim public and digital spaces in pursuit of noninstitutionalized
agendas, effect aesthetic or socio-political change, and express
personal desires and aspirations.

Conducting research in this fluid, fast changing and sometimes high risk
environment poses numerous methodological and ethical challenges that are yet to
be adequately explored. This event will offer a platform for discussing these
challenges and sharing research experiences that involve different forms and
platforms of citizen media.

      • Lilie Chouliaraki (London School of Economics and Political Science);
      • Cristina Flesher Fominaya (University of Aberdeen).

The event will feature presentations by established and doctoral/early career researchers from a range of disciplinary areas.


Event programme, presenter abstracts and registration details.

Researching Citizen Media booklet


Conference Room (C1.18), Graduate School (Arts, Languages and Cultures) | Ellen Wilkinson Building, The University of Manchester | Oxford Road | Manchester M13 9PL.

  • The Ellen Wilkinson Building is number 77 on the Campus Map.
  • Travel directions.
Workshop Organizers

The workshop is organized by the editors of a new Routledge series, Critical
Perspectives on Citizen Media. Send your queries to: Mona Baker
( or Luis Pérez-González