I am the second Post-Doctoral Research Associate to start work on the Genealogies of Knowledge project. Having received my BA in French Studies from the University of Sheffield, I came to Manchester in 2012 as a student enrolled on the MA in Translation and Interpreting Studies programme. During this course, I developed an interest in recent research on web-based communities of non-professional translators, as well as in socio-narrative theory as a conceptual framework for the study of translation. In 2014, I then started my PhD which looked at translation in the context of the Wikipedia. This sought to highlight the significance and complexity of the role translation plays in the collaborative construction of the encyclopaedia platform, and deepen our understanding of the production and dissemination of knowledge across languages and cultures within this online user-generated environment. I am currently writing a journal article based on my findings, as well as book chapters for edited volumes on narrative theory, technology and translation, and wikis. For the Genealogies of Knowledge project, my work is focused on constructing and analysing the modern and internet corpora.
Henry Jones