Overview Corpus design Corpus contents Corpus text preparation Research avenues
The Genealogies of Knowledge corpus is designed to enable researchers to trace the trajectory of key concepts as they enter different cultural and temporal spaces, predominantly but not exclusively through the mediation of various forms of translation.
The focus of the project (2016-2020) was on Greek as a starting point, plus three historical lingua francas (Arabic, Latin and English), and on concepts relating to the body politic and to scientific, expert discourse. However, the GoK Research Network has been developing multilingual resources and a range of methodologies that can support future studies involving different languages, primarily European ones (Spanish, Norwegian, French, Italian). Both the corpora we built during the lifetime of the GoK Project and the ones we are currently building with the Sustainable Health Unit (SUSTAINIT) at the University of Oslo are made accessible to the research community, together with the software developed to interrogate them and visualise the findings, in order to support other types of study. To this end we have developed a web interface that provides easy access to the SHE Corpus as well as the Modern and Internet English subcorpora of GoK. The interface does not yet provide access to the Arabic, Latin and Greek corpora built by the GoK team.
Because of legal constraints pertaining to copyright law, we offer restricted access to the corpora: we aim to allow visitors to the site to run searches, expand individual concordance lines within the limits of fair use (1200 characters), and download the findings. But we are unable to offer full access to individual texts.
All software tools developed for this project are available for free download, together with relevant documentation, under a Free Software license, the GNU General Public License.