Welcome to the latest issue of the AHRC Genealogies of Knowledge project e-newsletter, featuring news on the people, events and activities associated with the project.
Early Registration Now Open:Genealogies of Knowledge I: Translating Political and Scientific Thought across Time and Space
We are delighted by the positive reception that our Call for Papers for the Genealogies of Knowledge I conference (7-9 December 2017) has enjoyed, and by the high quality and diversity of the proposed presentations. We hope you will agree that this promises to be a very exciting conference indeed.
The Early Registration period for delegates wishing to attend is now open.
Latest News
Democracy, Futurity, and Security in Post-Coup Cairo (Video)
Drawing upon his fieldwork undertaken between 2013 and 2015, Dr. Ian Alan Paul explored the myriad forms of contestation that emerged between the diverse legacies of the January 2011 uprising and the subsequent 2013 military coup in Cairo, Egypt.…
Cairn International Monthly Dossier![Cairn Info](https://genealogiesofknowledge.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/logo-cairn-int.jpg)
Cairn International’s Monthly Dossier is a free email publication, in English, looking at what’s being published in the francophone world in the fields of social sciences and humanities by providing a practical and global context to the work of selected scholars.
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Has evidence-based medicine ever been modern? A Latour-inspired understanding of a changing EBM
Evidence-based health care (EBHC), previously evidence-based medicine (EBM), is considered by many to have modernized health care and brought it from an authority-based past to a more rationalist, scientific grounding. But recent concerns and criticisms pose serious challenges and urge us to look at the fundamentals of a changing EBHC..
Translation in the pre-modern world
Translation occupies a central place in current theories of world literature, but it is not the only way in which texts circulate beyond their original cultural and temporal contexts to become world literature. This article explores the shifting relationship between language and territory, contrasting modern languages as territorially bound by the nation-state with pre-modern cosmopolitan languages that transcended territorial location.
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