Content of the Modern English corpus

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The Genealogies of Knowledge Modern English corpus constitutes a growing collection of over 250 texts. These are mostly (but not exclusively) translations, published in English from 1850 onwards, and together comprise 20,916,002 words.

The table below provides a full list of the titles so far uploaded to the corpus server. To filter the table by author, translator or title, please use the ‘Search’ function in the top right hand corner.

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Content of the Modern English corpus

(Last updated 09/12/21)

AuthorAuthor 2TitlePublication DateFilenameTranslator
ThucydidesHistory of the Peloponnesian War1829mod000336Samuel Bloomfield
Antonio NegriMarx beyond Marx1991mod000329Harry Cleaver,
IsocratesEvagoras1945mod000328Larue Van Hook
IsocratesAreopagiticus1929mod000327George Norlin
IsocratesArchidamus1928mod000326George Norlin
IsocratesAntidosis1929mod000325George Norlin
IsocratesOn the Peace1929mod000324George Norlin
IsocratesTo Philip1928mod000323George Norlin
IsocratesAgainst the Sophists1929mod000322George Norlin
IsocratesPanegyricus1928mod000321George Norlin
IsocratesPanathenaicus1929mod000320George Norlin
IsocratesNicocles or the Cyprians1928mod000319George Norlin
IsocratesTo Nicocles1928mod000318George Norlin
IsocratesTo Demonicus1928mod000317George Norlin
Baruch SpinozaPolitical Treatise2000mod000316Samuel Shirley
Immanuel KantPerpetual Peace. A Philosophical Essay1903mod000315Mary Campbell Smith
Immanuel kantKant’s Principles of Politics, including his essay on Perpetual Peace. A Contribution to Political Science1891mod000314William Hastie
AristotleRhetoric2009mod000313Joe Sachs
AristotlePosterior Analytics1901mod000312E. S. Bouchier
AristotleNicomachean Ethics1881mod000311F. H. Peters
AristotleNicomachean Ethics1911mod000310Drummond Chase
Jean-Claude MonodBetween post-truth and epistemocracy: positioning a democratic politics10/2017mod000309Saul Lipetz
Publius Cornelius TacitusThe Annals1876mod000308Alfred John Church
CiceroOn Moral Duties1887mod000307Andrew Peabody
CiceroOn Moral Duties1913mod000306Walter Miller
PlatoGorgias1887mod000305Ellen Francis Mason
PlatoStatesman1992mod000304J. B. Skemp
PlatoStatesman2012mod000303Eva Brann
Publius Cornelius TacitusThe Origin and Situation of the Germans1876mod000302Alfred John Church
Publius Cornelius TacitusGermania1894mod000301R. B. Townshend
Publius Cornelius TacitusAgricola1894mod000300R. B. Townshend
Publius Cornelius TacitusAgricola1877mod000299Alfred John Church
PlatoGorgias2009mod000298Joe Sachs
Nicolo MachiavelliTHE PRINCE1908mod000297W. K. Marriott
Marcus Tullius CiceroAgainst Verres1856mod000296C. D. Yonge
CiceroTreatise On the Commonwealth (De Re Publica)1841mod000295Francis Barham
CiceroTreatise On the Laws1841mod000294Francis Barham
Titus Livius (Livy)THE HISTORY OF ROME (Books 43-45)1951mod000293Alfred Schlesinger
Titus Livius (Livy)THE HISTORY OF ROME (Books 40-42)1938mod000292Evan T Sage
Titus Livius (Livy)THE HISTORY OF ROME (Books 38-391936mod000291Evan T. Sage
Titus Livius (Livy)THE HISTORY OF ROME (Books 35-371935mod000290Evan T. Sage
Titus Livius (Livy)THE HISTORY OF ROME (Books 31-341935mod000289Evan T. Sage
Titus Livius (Livy)THE HISTORY OF ROME (Books 28-301949mod000288Frank Gardner Moore
Titus Livius (Livy)THE HISTORY OF ROME (Books 26-271943mod000287Frank Gardner Moore
Titus Livius (Livy)THE HISTORY OF ROME (Books 23-251940mod000286Frank Gardner Moore
Titus Livius (Livy)THE HISTORY OF ROME (Books 21-221929mod000285Benjamin Oliver Foster
Titus Livius (Livy)THE HISTORY OF ROME (Books 8-101926mod000284Benjamin Oliver Foster
Titus Livius (Livy)THE HISTORY OF ROME (Books 5-71924mod000283Benjamin Oliver Foster
Titus Livius (Livy)THE HISTORY OF ROME (Books 3-41922mod000282Benjamin Oliver Foster
Titus Livius (Livy)THE HISTORY OF ROME (Books 1-2)1919mod000281Benjamin Oliver Foster
Gaius Sallustius CrispusThe War with Jugurtha1921mod000280J. C. Rolfe
Gaius Sallustius CrispusTHE JUGURTHINE WAR1873mod000279JOHN SELBY WATSON
Gaius Sallustius CrispusCONSPIRACY OF CATILINE1873mod000278JOHN SELBY WATSON
Gaius Sallustius CrispusThe War with Catiline1921mod000277J. C. Rolfe
Gaius Sallustius CrispusSpeech to Caesar on the State1921mod000276J. C. Rolfe
Titus Livius (Livy)Niccolo MachiavelliDiscourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius1883mod000275Ninian Hill Thomson
Titus Livius (Livy)Niccolo MachiavelliDiscourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius1882mod000274Christian Detmold
Titus Livius (Livy)THE HISTORY OF ROME (Books 9-26)1849mod000273D. Spillan
Titus Livius (Livy)The History of Rome1912mod000272William Masfen Roberts
Titus Livius (Livy)THE HISTORY OF ROME (Books 1-8)1849mod000271D. Spillan
Titus Livius (Livy)THE HISTORY OF ROME (Books 37-45 )1850mod000270William A. M’Devitte
Titus Livius (Livy)THE HISTORY OF ROME (Books 27-35)1850mod000269Cyrus Edmonds
Titus Livius (Livy)Alfred ChurchStories from Livy1882mod000268
HerodotusHistory1949mod000267J. Enoch Powell
Karl MarxFrederick EngelsThe Communist Manifesto1850mod000266Helen MacFarlane
G. W. F. HegelGeorge MorrisHegel’s Philosophy of the State and of History1887mod000265George Morris
CiceroPro Sulla1856mod000264C. D. YONGE
CiceroOn the Nature of the Gods1877mod000263C. D. YONGE
CiceroDe Re Publica (On the Commonwealth)1877mod000262C. D. YONGE
PlutarchTiberius Gracchus1921mod000260Bernadotte Perrin
PlutarchSolon1914mod000259Bernadotte Perrin
PlutarchFabius Maximus1916mod000258Bernadotte Perrin
PlutarchCaius Gracchus1921mod000257Bernadotte Perrin
PlutarchDion1918mod000256Bernadotte Perrin
PlutarchCato the Younger1919mod000255Bernadotte Perrin
Jeffrey H. EpsteinDemocracy and Its Others2016mod000254
PolybiusHistories (Book VI)1923mod000253W. R. Paton
G. W. F. HegelHegel’s Logic (Part One of Hegel’s Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences)1874mod000252William Wallace
G. W. F. HegelLectures on the Proofs of the Existence of God1895mod000251Ebenezer Brown Speirs
G.W.F. HegelHegel’s Philosophy of Right1896mod000250S.W. Dyde
G. W. F. HegelThe Phenomenology of Mind1910mod000249Baillie
George GrotePlatoTimaeus and Kritias1888mod000248
George GrotePlatoTheaetetus1888mod000247
George GrotePlatoStatesman (Politikus) (by itself, apart from Sophist)1888mod000246
George GrotePlatoSophist and Statesman (Politikus)1888mod000245
George GrotePlatoRepublic1888mod000244
George GrotePlatoProtagoras1888mod000243
George GrotePlatoPhilebus1888mod000242
George GrotePlatoPhaedrus and Symposium1888mod000241
George GrotePlatoPhaedo1888mod000240
George GrotePlatoParmenides1888mod000239
George GrotePlatoMeno1888mod000238
George GrotePlatoMenexenus1888mod000237
George GrotePlatoLaws (Leges) and Epinomis1888mod000236
George GrotePlatoGorgias1888mod000235
George GrotePlatoEuthydemus1888mod000234
George GrotePlatoCrito1885mod000233
George GrotePlatoCharmides1888mod000232
George GrotePlatoApology1885mod000231
George GroteAristotleThe Politics of Aristotle1880mod000230
Henri BergsonAn Introduction to Metaphysics1912mod000229T. E. Hulme
Heikki PatomakiThe Great Eurozone Disaster: From Crisis to Global New Deal2013mod000228James O’Connor
PlutarchBrutus1918mod000227Bernadotte Perrin
PlutarchAristides1914mod000226Bernadotte Perrin
AristotleNicomachean Ethics2002mod000225Joe Sachs
Baruch SpinozaTheological-Political Treatise2001mod000224Samuel Shirley
PlutarchAlcibiades1916mod000223Bernadotte Perrin
PlutarchPericles1916mod000221Bernadotte Perrin
PlutarchLycurgus1914mod000220Bernadotte Perrin
PolybiusHistories1889mod000219Evelyn S. Shuckburgh
PlatoTheaetetus1875mod000218F. A. Paley
PlotinusThe Six Enneads1917-1930mod000217Stephen MacKenna
PlatoTheaetetus1891mod000216Ellen Francis Mason
Franz OppenheimerThe State1922mod000215John Milton Gitterman
ThucydidesH. L. HavellStories from Thucydides1910mod000214H. L. Havell
George GroteHistory of Greece Vol. 81851mod000213
George GroteHistory of Greece Vol. 71851mod000212
George GroteHistory of Greece Vol. 61851mod000211
AristotleEudemian Ethics1935mod000210H. Rackham
Jodi DeanDemocracy and Other Neoliberal Fantasies: Communicative Capitalism and Left Politics2009mod000209
René DescartesDiscourse on Method, Optics, Geometry, and Meteorology2001mod000208Paul J. Olscamp
Jean-Jacques RousseauOn the Social Contract1988mod000207Donald A. Cress
Auguste ComteIntroduction to Positive Philosophy1988mod000206Frederick Ferré
Boaventura De Sousa SantosA Discourse on the Sciences [ARTICLE]1992mod000205Maria Irene Ramalho
Ludwig WittgensteinTractatus Logico-Philosophicus1922mod000204C. K. Ogden
Étienne de La BoétieAnti-Dictator : Discourse on Voluntary Servitude1942mod000203Harry Kurz
Étienne de La BoétieDiscourse on Voluntary Servitude2012mod000202James B. Atkinson
EpictetusDiscourses1890mod000201George Long
EpictetusDiscourses1865/1890mod000200Thomas Wentworth Higginson
AverroesThree Short Commentaries on Aristotle’s Topics, Rhetoric and Poetics1977mod000199Charles Butterworth
AristotleRhetoric1926mod000198J. H. Freese
Alain BadiouMetapolitics2005mod000195Jason Barker
Louis AlthusserEtienne BalibarReading Capital1970mod000194Ben Brewster
PlatoCrito1910mod000193F. M. Stawell
PlatoApology1910mod000192F. M. Stawell
PlatoCrito1879mod000191Ellen Francis Mason
PlatoApology1879mod000190Ellen Francis Mason
PlatoPhaedo1875mod000189E. M. Cope
PlatoGorgias1864mod000188E. M. Cope
Walter PaterPlato and Platonism1893mod000187
PlatoRepublic1849mod000186Henry Davis
PlatoPhaedo1887mod000185Frederick John Church
PlatoCrito1887mod000184Frederick John Church
PlatoApology1887mod000183Frederick John Church
PlatoPhaedo1848mod000182Henry Cary
PlatoGorgias1848mod000181Henry Cary
PlatoCrito1848mod000180Henry Cary
PlatoApology1848mod000179Henry Cary
PlatoStatesman1850mod000178Georges Burges
PlatoLaws1852mod000177Georges Burges
Daniel InnerarityThe Democracy of Knowledge2015mod000176Sandra Kingery
AristotlePolitics2012mod000175Joe Sachs
PlatoRepublic2004mod000174C. D. C. Reeve
PlatoEmpire and the Ends of Politics: Plato’s Menexenus and Pericles’ Funeral Oration1999mod000173Susan Collins
PlatoTheaetetus1871mod000172Benjamin Jowett
PlatoStatesman1871mod000171Benjamin Jowett
PlatoSophist1871mod000170Benjamin Jowett
PlatoMeno1871mod000169Benjamin Jowett
PlatoLaws1871mod000168Benjamin Jowett
PlatoGorgias1871mod000167Benjamin Jowett
PlatoRepublic1937mod000166Paul Shorey
PlatoPhaedo1871mod000165Benjamin Jowett
PlatoCrito1871mod000164Benjamin Jowett
PlatoApology1871mod000163Benjamin Jowett
PlatoMeno1924mod000162W.R.M. Lamb
PlatoGorgias1925mod000161W.R.M. Lamb
PlatoTheaetetus1921mod000160Harold N. Fowler
PlatoStatesman1921mod000159Harold N. Fowler
PlatoSophist1921mod000158Harold N. Fowler
PlatoPhaedo1913mod000157Harold North Fowler
PlatoCrito1913mod000156Harold North Fowler
PlatoApology1913mod000155Harold North Fowler
PlatoLaws1926mod000154R.G. Bury
PlatoRepublic1871mod000153Benjamin Jowett
PlatoRepublic1852mod000152John Llewelyn Davies
PlatoParmenides1925mod000151Harold N. Fowler
ThucydidesCharles CollierTHE HISTORY OF THE PLAGUE OF ATHENS; Translated from Thucydides with remarks explanatory of its pathology by Charles Collier1857mod000150Charles Collier
HerodotusHistories1847-9mod000149Henry Cary
ThucydidesSpeeches from Thucydides1873mod000148Henry Musgrave Wilkins
HerodotusHistories1858-60mod000147George Rawlinson
Virginie DutoyaA REPRESENTATIVE CLAIM MADE IN THE NAME OF WOMEN?2016mod000145Cadenza Academic Translations
Thomas PierreOFFICIALIZING BASQUE IN FRANCE2013mod000143JPD Systems
Sébastien MortTRUTH AND PARTISAN MEDIA IN THE USA2012mod000142
Sébastien ChauvinWAITING FOR PAPERS2009mod000141JPD Systems
Philippe BourmaudNation Building and Discrimination in the Middle East from the End of the Ottoman Empire to Today2009mod000139JPD Systems
Martin DeleixheRE-EVALUATING KANT’S COSMOPOLITAN LAW2014mod000138Sarah-Louise Raillard
Jean-Pierre PotierTHE SOCIALISM OF LÉON WALRAS2011mod000136JPD Systems
Gabriela SignoriSIMILITUDE, EQUALITY, AND RECIPROCITY2012mod000132Christophe Réthoré
François RoubaudJean-Michel WachsbergerARE POOR NEIGHBORHOODS OPPOSED TO DEMOCRACY?2006mod000131JPD Systems
François DubetEQUALITY OF PLACE, EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY2011mod000130Cadenza Academic Translations
Dominique SchnapperEthnic Statistics: Democratic Issues and Democratic Aspirations2008mod000128CNRS
Didier MineurAFTER FOUCAULT: POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY IN FRANCE SINCE THE 1980S2013mod000127Cadenza Academic Translations
Christel Müller(DE)CONSTRUCTING POLITEIA2014mod000126Arby Gharibian
Albert OgienPRAGMATISMS AND SOCIOLOGIES2014mod000124Toby Matthews
Alain DuplouyTHE SO-CALLED SOLONIAN PROPERTY CLASSES2014mod000123Christophe Réthoré
Étienne BalibarEqualiberty: Political Essays2014mod000122James Ingram
GalenOn the Sects for Beginners1985mod000121R. Walzer
HippocratesOn Regimen in Acute Diseases1923mod000119William Jones
HippocratesPrognostics1886mod000118Francis Adams
Pierre DuhemEssays in the History and Philosophy of Science1996mod000117Roger Ariew
XenophonAgesilaus1925mod000116G.W. Bowersock
XenophonAnabasis1921–1922mod000115C.L. Brownson
XenophonConstitution of the Lacedaimonians1925mod000114G.W. Bowersock
XenophonCyropaedia1914mod000113Walter Miller
XenophonEconomics1923mod000112E.G. Marchant
XenophonHellenica1918–1921mod000111C.L. Brownson
XenophonHeiro1925mod000110G.W. Bowersock
XenophonMemorabilia1923mod000109Otis Johnson Todd
XenophonWays and Means1925mod000108Glen Warren Bowersock
XenophonConstitution of the Athenians1925mod000107Glen Warran Bowersock
HippocratesOn the Sacred Disease1886mod000106Francis Adams
HippocratesOn Ancient Medicine1923mod000105W. H. S. Jones
HippocratesOn Ancient Medicine1886mod000104Francis Adams
HippocratesOn Regimen in Acute Diseases1886mod000103Francis Adams
HippocratesEpidemics1923mod000102W. H. S. Jones
HippocratesEpidemics1886mod000101Francis Adams
HippocratesAphorisms1886mod000100Francis Adams
ThucydidesThe history of the Peloponnesian war by Thucydides1848mod000098Henry Dale
Karl MarxWritings of the Young Marx on Philosophy and Society1997mod000097Loyd D. Easton
Georgina BlakeleyValerie BrysonContemporary Political Concepts: A Critical Introduction2002mod000096
PlatoRepublic2007mod000095Joe Sachs
PlatoRepublic1974mod000094G. M. A. Grube
Boaventura De Sousa SantosThe Rise of the Global Left: The World Social Forum and beyond2006mod000093
Nicos PoulantzasPolitical Power and Social Classes1973mod000092T. O’Hagan
William FisherThomas PonniahAnother World Is Possible: World Social Forum Proposals for an Alternative Globalization2015mod000091
Karl PopperThe Logic of Scientific Discovery2002mod000090Karl Popper
HerodotusHistories1904mod000089George Campbell Macaulay
AristotleAthenian Constitution1935mod000088H. Rackham
AristotlePolitics1944mod000087H. Rackham
AristotlePolitics1885mod000086Benjamin Jowett
HerodotusOn the War for Greek Freedom (Selections from The Histories)2003mod000085Samuel Shirley
Hans-Peter MartinHarald SchumannThe Global Trap: Globalization and the Assault on Prosperity and Democracy1997mod000084
AristotleAthenian Constitution1920mod000083Frederic G. Kenyon
Johann Gottfried HerderAnother Philosophy of History and Selected Political Writings2004mod000082Ioannis D. Evrigenis
AristotleNicomachean Ethics2000mod000081Terence Irwin
Arnaud MacéTwo Forms of the Common in Ancient Greece [ARTICLE]2014mod000080Katharine Throssell
Albert W. DzurPublic Restorative Justice: The Participatory Democratic Dimensions of Institutional Reform [ARTICLE]2015mod000079
Denis MerklenPolitical Violence in Democracy [ARTICLE]2012mod000078Cadenza Academic Translations
Dan ArbibThe Two Ways of Spinoza: The Levinasian Interpretation of the Ethics and the Theological-Political Treatise [ARTICLE]2012mod000077Cadenza Academic Translations
Claire Bénit-GbaffouPhilippe Gervais-LambonyForms of Local Democracy in South African Cities [ARTICLE]2008mod000076JPD Systems
Christian GodinAvatars of Will in Contemporary Democracies [ARTICLE]2011mod000075
Boubacar NianeExperts versus Researchers in the Production and Circulation of Knowledge and Sociopolitical Meaning in Senega2011mod000074
Lucien ScublaA Lacuna in Mimetic Theory: the Absence of the Political in the Girardian System [ARTICLE]2013mod000073Cadenza Academic Translations
Laure BereniAnne RevillardA Paradigmatic Social Movement? [ARTICLE]2012mod000072JPD Systems
Justine LacroixWas Karl Marx truly against human rights?Individual emancipation and human rights theory [ARTICLE]2012mod000071
Jonathan HearnInequality, liberal society, and the balance of power [ARTICLE]2016mod000070
Joël GaubertPopulist Malaise in Contemporary Democracy [ARTICLE]2012mod000069
Jacques TestartThe Return of Drawing Lots [ARTICLE]2011mod000068
Glyn DalyThe Terror of Žižek [ARTICLE]2012mod000067
Gérard MaugerSociology is a Political Science [ARTICLE]2012mod000066Cadenza Academic Translations
Didier LapeyronnieRadical Academicism, or the Sociologist’s Monologue : Who are Radical Sociologists Talking with ? [ARTICLE]2004mod000065
Pamela PansardiDemocracy, domination and the distribution of power: Substantive Political Equality as a Procedural Requirement [ARTICLE]2016mod000064
Paulin IsmardThe Single Body of the City [ARTICLE]2014mod000063Joanna Stephens
Michaël FœsselThe Beliefs of Democratic People: Habermas and the Question of Religion [ARTICLE]2013mod000062Cadenza Academic Translations
Patrice FlichyDemocracy 2.02010mod000061Cadenza Academic Translations
Marc BarbierLionel Cauchard, Pierre-Benoit Joly, Catherine Paradeise, Dominique VinckTowards pragmatic, ecological and political approaches to expertise [ARTICLE]2013mod000060
Alexis De TocquevilleDemocracy in America2000mod000059Stephen D. Grant
Karl MarxMarx: Selected Writings1994mod000058Loyd D. Easton
Tarik Dahouyou’re reading Trends Come and Go, the Community Remains [ARTICLE]2011mod000057JPD Systems
Pauline Colonna d’IstriaPublic Reason through the Mirror of the One[1]. Claude Lefort vs. Rawls [ARTICLE]2011mod000056
Robin CelikatesAgainst Manichaeism : The Politics of Forms of Life and the Possibilities of Critique [ARTICLE]2015mod000055
Samuel HayatInclusive Representation [ARTICLE]2013mod000054
Sarah Ben NéfissaPolitical and Civil Revolution in Egypt: Democracy and Its Corrective [ARTICLE]2011mod000053
Stephen GuestIntegrity, Equality and Justice [ARTICLE]2005mod000052
HippocratesLaw1923mod000051W. H. S. Jones
Mary Anne Griffith-TraversyDemocracy, Parliament and Electoral Systems2003mod000050
HippocratesPrognostics1923mod000049W. H. S. Jones
ThucydidesThe Peloponnesian War1998mod000048Steven Lattimore
Sylvain KahnThe nation-state as a territorial myth of European construction [ARTICLE]2014mod000047
Vincent BourdeauFabrice FlipoThe Proper Use of Community [ARTICLE]2011mod000046
HerodotusHistories1920mod000045A. D. Godley
Enriqué DusselTwenty Theses on Politics2008mod000044George Ciccariello-Maher
Jean-Denis BredinSecrecy, Transparency, and Democracy [ARTICLE]2001mod000043
Stefano PetruccianiMetastructure, Organization, Ruling Class [ARTICLE]2008mod000042Cadenza Academic Translations
Sylvaine BulleThe State Is Leaving Us [ARTICLE]2013mod000041
John R. ShookPragmatism, Pluralism, and Public Democracy [ARTICLE]2010mod000040
Jacques BidetCommunism: Between Philosophy, Prophecy, and Theory [ARTICLE]2010mod000039Cadenza Academic Translations
Maya CollombonAlongside Contemporary Zapatismo: Resistance Networks and Mobilizations in Chiapas in the 2000s [ARTICLE]2013mod000038
Guillaume Sibertin-BlancFrom Democratic Simulacrum to the Fabulation of the People: Minority Populism [ARTICLE]2013mod000037Cadenza Academic Translations
Hervé RaynerBernard VoutatJudicialisation and Direct Democracy [ARTICLE]2014mod000036Sarah-Louise Raillard
HippocratesLaw1849mod000035Francis Adams
Julien TalpinRepresentation as performance2016mod000034Cadenza Academic Translations
Hagen KellerElectoral systems and conceptions of community in Italian communes [ARTICLE]2014mod000033Sarah-Louise Raillard
Cécile Van de VeldeThe “Indignados”: The Reasons for Outrage [ARTICLE]2011mod000032Cadenza Academic Translations
J.M. BernsteinMimetic Rationality and Material Inference : Adorno and Brandom2004mod000031
HippocratesNature of Man1931mod000030W. H. S. Jones
HippocratesAirs, Waters, Places1923mod000029W. H. S. Jones
HippocratesOath1923mod000028W. H. S. Jones
HippocratesAirs, Waters, Places1849mod000027Francis Adams
HippocratesOath1849mod000026Francis Adams
GalenOn Anatomical Procedures1956mod000025C. Singer
Alain BadiouEthics: An Essay on the Understanding of Evil2001mod000024Peter Hallward
ThucydidesHistory of the Peloponnesian War1629 / 1843mod000023Thomas Hobbes
Boaventura De Sousa SantosWhy Has Cuba Become a Difficult Problem for the Left? [ARTICLE]2009mod000022
ThucydidesThe History of the Peloponnesian War1874mod000020Richard Crawley
ThucydidesThucydides translated into English; with introduction, marginal analysis, notes, and indices1881mod000019Benjamin Jowett
René GirardViolence and the Sacred1979mod000018Patrick Gregory
Jacques RancièreThe Politics of Aesthetics2006mod000017Gabriel Rockhill
ThucydidesThucydides, with an English Translation1919mod000016CF Smith
Max WeberWeber’s Rationalism and Modern Society: New Translations on Politics, Bureaucracy, and Social Stratification2015mod000015Tony Waters
Rudolf CarnapThe Unity of Science2011mod000014M. Black
Rupert Crawshay-WilliamsMethods and Criteria of Reasoning: An Inquiry into the Structure of Controversy2001mod000013
Jean-Paul SartreBeing and Nothingness. An essay on phenomenological ontology2003mod000012Hazel E. Barnes
Karl PopperThe Two Fundamental Problems of the Theory of Knowledge2009mod000011John Kinory
Rene GirardI see Satan fall like Lightning2001mod000010James G. Williams
Simone WeilThe Need for Roots2002mod000009Arthur Wills
Wolfgang MerkelAlexander Petring, Christian Henkes, Christoph EgleSocial Democracy in Power: The Capacity to Reform2008mod000008
Philippe Lacoue-LabartheJean-Luc NancyRetreating the Political1997mod000007Simon Sparks
Michel FoucaultThe Order of Things: An archaeology of the human sciences1970mod000006unknown
Jacques DerridaSpecters of Marx: The state of the debt, the work of mourning and the new international1994mod000005Peggy Kamuf
Immanuel KantThe Moral Law: Groundwork of the metaphysic of morals1948mod000004H. J. Paton
Michel FoucaultThe Birth of the Clinic: An archaeology of medical perception1973mod000003A. M. Sheridan
Ludwig WittgensteinTractatus Logico-Philosophicu1961mod000002D. F. Pears
Michel FoucaultMadness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the age of Reason1966mod000001Richard Howard
Dominique SchnapperThe Democratic Spirit of Law2016mod000345Bernice Dubois
Dominique SchnapperProvidential Democracy: An essay on contemporary equality2008mod000344John Taylor
Abdullah ÖcalanThe Political Thought of Abdullah Öcalan: Kurdistan, Woman’s Revolution and Democratic Confederalism2017mod000347Havin Guneser
Vladimir LeninRevolution, Democracy, Socialism: Selected Writings of V.I. Lenin2008mod000346
G. W. F. HegelThe Phenomenology of Spirit2018mod000332Terry Pinkard
Elisabeth MaierNathalie LebonWomen’s Activism in Latin America and the Caribbean: Engendering Social Justice, Democratizing Citizenship2010mod000348
AristotleAthenian Constitution1891mod000331Thomas Dymes
Avicenna (Ibn Sina)Ibn Sina’s Remarks and Admonitions: Physics and Metaphysics2014mod000353Shams C. Inati
AristotleThe Arabic Version of the Nicomachean Ethics2005mod000330Anna Akasoy
Emmanuel SieyèsPolitical Writings2003mod000352Michael Sonenscher
Hannah ArendtCrisis of the Republic1972mod000343
Alexis De TocquevilleDemocracy in America1835mod000389Henry Reeve
AristotlePolitics1998mod000342C. D. C. Reeve
IsocratesPanegyricus1894mod000333John Henry Freese
IsocratesPanegyricus1894mod000334James Rice
John Stuart MillConsiderations on Representative Government1861mod000335
AristotleCategories1853mod000337Octavius Freire Owen
AristotleOn Interpretation1853mod000338Octavius Freire Owen
AristotlePosterior Analytics1853mod000339Octavius Freire Owen
AristotlePrior Analytics1853mod000340Octavius Freire Owen
AristotleTopics1853mod000341Octavius Freire Owen
Immanuel KantKant’s Prolegomena and Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science1891mod000356Ernest Belfort Bax
John Stuart MillThe Subjection of Women1869mod000357
Ernest Belfort BaxThe legal subjection of men1909mod000358
Gustave Le BonThe Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind1896mod000359anonymous
Thorstein VeblenThe Place of Science in Modern Civilisation1919mod000360
Harriet Taylor MillThe Enfranchisement of Women1851mod000361
Bertrand RussellPolitical Ideals1917mod000362
Mary SomervilleOn the Connexion of the Physical Sciences1834mod000363
Klara ZetkinSocial Democracy and Women’s suffrage1906mod000364Jacques Bonhomme
Beatrix CampbellEnd of Equality2013mod000350
Pascale NavarroWomen and Power: The case for parity2016mod000349
Gérard MairetThe Fable of the World: A philosophical inquiry into freedom in our times2010mod000354Philip Derbyshire
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